Nowadays our phone apps are full of private and sometimes even confidential data. And, alas, you may lend your Motorola One Zoom to someone you trust without a guarantee that it will not go into any application content on your phone. Therefore, to avoid this, the best solution is to hide an application on your Motorola One Zoom . To begin with, we will see how to hide an application on a Motorola One Zoom through the phone settings. After that we will see how to hide an application on your Motorola One Zoom with a third-party application.


How to hide an application on Motorola One Zoom using settings

Disable the applications already installed on your Motorola One Zoom

There are many applications installed that are never used. In the event that you are not using an application and it bothers you visually or you want to sort everything very easily in your phone, the best solution will be very easily to deactivate the application in question. So, how to hide an application on your Motorola One Zoom by uninstalling it:

  • Access the "  Settings  »
  • Choose "  Applications  »
  • Open Application Manager
  • Select the app you want to hide
  • Press on "  deactivate  »
  • Confirm your choice by clicking again on » deactivate  »

Hide an app from your home page

You only want to hide an application on the most visible space of your Motorola One Zoom, which is the home page? From then on, you will be able to accomplish a very simple technique, we present it to you right after, in the event that you want to learn how to hide messages on Motorola One Zoom, feel free to take a look at our article.

  • Go to the home screen
  • Long press the app logo that you want to hide
  • A dialog window will open: click on the button " Supprimer  »

Now the app you removed from your home screen will only be accessible through the search menu.

How to hide an app on your Motorola One Zoom with a third-party app

To hide an application on your Motorola One Zoom, you will need to download and use a » launcher  "Which allows you to personalize your device as you wish, or" app hider  »Able to camouflage and hide any applications.

Hide an application on your Motorola One Zoom using a Launcher

If you've downloaded an application, the fastest and easiest way to hide it on your Motorola One Zoom will be to download a » launcher  »Or in other words an application launcher that will allow you to customize your phone. Among the most popular there is the application Nova Launcher . The latter is available in free or paid version. It allows you to change your home screen by renaming names and changing icons of all your applications. However, in this context you will first have to install it and configure it as the default launcher.

Discover how to use Nova Launcher in free version to hide an application on your Motorola One Zoom :

  • Download the app using Google Play Store .
  • Set the app as the default Launcher .
  • Open your app drawer .
  • Tap and hold an app you want to manage and hide.
  • Press on " Edit "
  • Give it the name you want then press » finish "
  • Tap the icon of the application to modify it in turn.

In the paid version, Nova Launcher offers you the possibility of hiding the applications of your Motorola One Zoom by deleting them from the list of applications. To use them you won't have to go through search mode on your Android phone, or create a shortcut on Nova Launcher. So, how to completely hide applications on a Motorola One Zoom:

  • See you in the » Nova settings "
  • Choose the option » Drawers  »
  • Press on "  Hide applications  »
  • Select applications present on your Motorola One Zoom that you want to hide.

Hide an app on a Motorola One Zoom using App Hider

Hiding applications by other applications is also the role that App hider . The latter was designed to hide the applications on the screen of your Motorola One Zoom by adding additional security: a password . Very handy for people who want to dig into every nook and cranny of your phone. Here's how to use this app:

  • Download the app on Google Play Store .
  • Launch the application App Hider.
  • Press the + icon to choose one or more apps to hide and click » importer "
  • Press to finish on the Menu .
  • Select » Hide  To hide the apps in the App Hider app.

In the application menu you can also hide the App Hider application as a calculator under the name Calculator +. In this way, your application will be even better to hide in your Motorola One Zoom. For that:

  • Go to the menu of the App Hider application.
  • Press on " Set up PIN now  »And enter a password.
  • When you launch the Calculator + app , if you ever dial the PIN code, the normal application will open. If no PIN code is entered, the app will open like a real calculator!

If you are looking for as many tutorials as possible to become the king of the Motorola One Zoom, we invite you to explore the other tutorials in the category: Motorola one zoom.