New features are implemented with each Android update. And among them recently appeared navigation by gestures, a new solution for moving around the menus that is more intuitive and more functional. That said, if you are a fan of the old buttons, note that it is still possible to choose your navigation system and therefore to deactivate the gesture navigation of the screen of your Crosscall core M5 as we will now see today. First we will see what is the interest of gesture navigation on your Crosscall core M5. And then we will see what is the procedure to remove gesture navigation on your Crosscall core M5.


What is the gesture navigation for on your Crosscall core M5?

Gesture navigation gives you the ability to navigate more simply and faster on your Crosscall core M5. It allows you to move through the menus of your mobile phone without using the three buttons Back ,   Home   et  Multitask which are placed at the bottom of the screen. On several versions of your device, it is automatically integrated. In this situation, how to use gesture navigation on your Crosscall core M5?

There are basic gestures like:

  • Go to the next item on the screen: Swipe the screen to the right.
  • Go to the previous item displayed on the screen: Swipe the screen to the left.
  • Back: Swipe down and left on the screen.
  • Home: Swipe up and left on the screen.

However there is still a multitude of other gestures more or less technical to quickly reach the functions of your phone. To discover all the navigation gestures you can make, there are tutorials on the internet. You can search on Google » Navigation gestures on a Crosscall core M5  " or " Talk Back navigation gestures ". On some versions of Android, a tutorial may also be offered when activating the feature.

How to disable gesture navigation on the screen of your Crosscall core M5?

If you can't use gesture navigation on your Crosscall core M5, that's not a problem. Android phones give you the option to disable the feature. Below are the different ways to remove gesture navigation on your Crosscall core M5.

Remove gesture navigation on the screen of your Crosscall core M5 with TalkBack

It is sometimes not easy to navigate among all the navigation gestures integrated on our phone. In the event that you prefer to use the three navigation buttons with which you are used to browsing, you will then have to remove the gesture navigation from your Crosscall core M5. Depending on the version of your Android smartphone, it sometimes happens that this gesture navigation option is integrated under the name of TalkBack .

In this case, to deactivate TalkBack, you must perform the following procedure:

  • Open the " Settings "
  • Select » Accessibility  »
  • Click on " TalkBack "
  • Disable TalkBack .

Disable navigation by gestures via the settings of your Crosscall core M5

If your Crosscall core M5 ever has an operating system under Android 10, it is very likely that gesture navigation is integrated as standard. That said, if the latter bothers you and you prefer to use classic navigation, you will have the option of deactivating navigation by gestures on the screen of your Crosscall core M5 via your settings.

Depending on the version of your Android, there are three different ways to remove gesture navigation . Discover them here.

The most classic first solution to do this is:

  • Open the " Settings  »
  • See you in " System  »
  • Click on " Gestures  »
  • Select » System navigation "
  • You have the choice between 3 options: » 2 navigation buttons  "-" 3 navigation buttons  " or " Gesture navigation ". Select the 2 or 3 button option depending on your preference.

The second solution to remove gesture navigation on your Crosscall core M5 concerns in particular devices under the latest version of Android. We present to you here:

  • Open them " Settings " from your Android smartphone.
  • Click the option " Display " .
  • Click on " Navigation bar "
  • Tap the option "Full screen movements"
  • Tap on "Additional options"
  • Deactivate "Slides from the sides to the bottom".

Finally, on some Android versions, you will have to take a slightly different approach to deactivate gesture navigation on the screen of your Crosscall core M5. Find it here:

  • See you in the » Settings "
  • Click on " Full screen view  »
  • And choose the system navigation by » Buttons "

In the event that you want a maximum of tutorials to become a Crosscall core M5 master, we invite you to explore the other tutorials in the category: crosscall core m5.